Meet UV Angel
The UV Angel team has a singular focus: make the world a cleaner place for everybody. We use years of advanced research and the latest developments in ultraviolet light technology to reduce the concentration of bacteria, viruses, and fungi in treated air.* Efficacy testing results are summarized in Table 1 and Table 2.
How do we do it?
Our patented ultraviolet light technology effectively reduces the concentration of bacteria, viruses, and fungi in treated air when used in accordance with UV Angel’s labeled directions-for-use at standard speed.* Efficacy testing results are summarized in Table 1 and Table 2. Our products do not require human activation once they are operating. 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. 365 days a year.
How are we different?
Our products’ ability to reduce the concentration of bacteria, viruses, and fungi in treated air* in occupied spaces is just one part of what sets UV Angel apart. In addition to providing engineered in-room control, every UV Angel product comes backed by our complete software platform.

- Every UV Angel product comes complete with IoT connectivity and onboard intelligence
- The UV Angel Cloud platform supports every unit, collecting performance and treatment data, and making it accessible to you, wherever you are
- UV Angel Analytics organizes and filters that data according to your unique goals, so you can see at a glance how one unit is performing or how your entire fleet of UV Angel units is functioning across offices, buildings, or even cities.
Who Are UV Angel Products For?
In the midst of the recent pandemic, it became clear that air treatment is and will continue to be for everyone.
UV Angel products were designed, developed, and engineered to meet stringent standards. This means we are able to deliver air treatment to all of our customers across any industry. UV Angel can and does help make many indoor environments cleaner.